Jeannette in College

Cochise College, Sierra Vista, AZ
Telecommunications Major

Jeannette DeBusk Cox Jeannette DeBusk Cox Jeannette DeBusk Cox

How are you tonight? I am unusually tired. Think maybe stress.
I tend to do this at this time of year, so please forgive me.

I was sitting here trying to relax, the computer is working really slow but it does this every evening about this time thanks to us west!! So I started writing, just jotting things down, tell me what you think, I was trying to be positive:


Glistening, shimmering, 
crisp And Clear.
A breath of fresh air.

Renew and revive
 everything Will survive,
It's fast asleep 
waiting for
Spring to arrive

We work and play 
even on the coldest day
And cuddle by the fire 
in the night time hour

Cherish this, 
for it is a God given gift
to all living things
Time to rest 
and refresh
Until the new coming year

Be honest tell me what you think!!!!!!
I will go now, maybe I will write again later.


The Eyes have it


the eyes have it


Jeannette's work id

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