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N A M P E Y O   o f    H a n o
Rare Nampeyo of Hano Vintage Hopi-Tewa Pottery For Sale

" The Mona Lisa of the American Southwest Art " by NAMPEYO of Hano

Rare Iconic  NAMPEYO of Hano "Migration Design" Masterpiece.

" The Mona Lisa of American Southwest Art "
Few things truly deserve the title of "iconic". The Mona Lisa, Lincoln's stove pipe hat, or the
Eiffel Tower would qualify. They define "iconic".  NAMPEYO's famous Hopi-Tewa "Migration" design
has withstood the test of time, and easily qualifies as "iconic". Often imitated, but never duplicated,
this ultra-rare iconic masterpiece of American Southwest Art is now available  for Sale here.


"The Potter" - photographed by Edward Curtis, 1906
The Potter  - photographed by Edward Curtis, 1906

We confidently attribute NAMPEYO of Hano as the artist who made, designed,
and painted this iconic Migration masterpiece herself, in her prime.

Although unsigned, there is the beeweed paint "shadow" left under a "From The Hopi Villages"  or the other label that
Fred Harvey Co.  would often glue to Nampeyo's works. This helps date the work to near 1905-1915, perhaps 1909.
The long 1910 railroad journey to a Chicago  exposition with daughter Nellie occurred in this same period. ( Photo below )
A Fred Harvey era postcard of Nampeyo & family from 1905 at Hopi House can be viewed here, or the 018132 photo.

Stylistically, specific elements of this piece do not resemble similar & later "Migration Design" pieces by her daughters
( Annie, Nellie, or Fannie ) nor Rachel Nampeyo ( who would sign "Nampeyo " on her Grandmother's pottery ),
nor Lena "Blue Corn" Charlie, aka "Cornwoman" ( who was actually of the Kachina Clan ).

Notice that the "wings" have only "double tips" on both top and bottom, and the dash-dots are irregularly numbered. Eureka!
This traditional shape with it's unique flared rim also reflects Nampeyo's intimate knowledge of ancient Hopi pottery.
The painted edge of the perfectly flared rim is also highly consistent with so much of Nampeyo's early works,
as opposed to a very similar early migration version easily attributable to her daughter, Annie Healing.

Also, the replicating motif with seven divisions reflects Nampeyo's exposure to old Zuni pottery traditions,
as well as the Zuni like (  later 18th century and onward  ) dark painted base of the pot itself.
Rare indeed, & especially so for a vintage Nampeyo Migration design.
Nampeyo was a consummate master of asymmetrical ( 3x, 5x, 7x, & 9x ) divisions on her pottery.

* Note - the top "Quadrant Direction Marks" are not altogether uncommon on ancient Jeddito
or Homolovi Hopi pottery which were traded to Awatovi or Sikyatki, where many centuries later,
Nampeyo herself probably observed this design element on the old pottery, and incorporated it
on to this treasured relic. These "Quadrant Direction Marks" are also found on ancient
Sikyatki pottery, Pinedale, Maverick Mountain Salado Polychromes, and occasionally on St. Johns
Polychrome bowls ( from the early Kachina homeland region ). Some earlier Tularosa
& Mogollon pottery ( such as water dippers ) also had the "Quadrant Direction Marks".

This specific ancient traditional motif detail of "Quadrant Direction Marks" is lacking
on the Migration pieces of Nampeyo's daughters, as is the painted base and top rim.
Of all the daughters of Nampeyo, Nellie appears to be the only one who would later incorporate such
 "Quadrant Direction Marks" to her other pottery designs. Fig. 8.7 in Steve Elmore's
new & highly recommended book on Nampeyo illustrates an early use of this very motif by Nampeyo.

This  Is  An  Investment  Grade  Heirloom
Of  Timeless  Distinction,  Rarity &  Value.


Dimensions: Approximate height is 4 1/2 inches by 5 1/2 inches width

We encourage you to contact any of the reputed Nampeyo " Experts " for
confirmation of our Nampeyo of Hano attribution, it's unique investment potential,
and outstanding rare historical artistic value. It might be prudent to inquire where
 they examined the similar original Nampeyo made & painted Migration work
to qualify their assessment of provenance.

In 2015, the PBS Antiques Roadshow featured an old Migration Design piece  that
Fannie Nampeyo attributed to her mother. It bears the hallmark precision and dots Annie
often masterfully produced. Fannie also claimed Nampeyo never painted broken Spirit Lines.
Close, ... but no cigar.

This is "The Real Deal ", "The Real McCoy ", "The Genuine Article" - 
an Ultra Rare Iconic Nampeyo of Hano "Migration Design" Masterpiece !

And like the iconic Mona Lisa - there is only one.

Gallery Priced $18,950

NEW Sale Price $16,950,
or Best Reasonable Offer

For more Nampeyo Pottery Photos, click here


  A rare "Genuine Indian Pottery" retailer's decal
A rare old "Genuine Indian Pottery" retailer's decal
applied to a Nampeyo Pottery Bowl we sold.


Rare NAMPEYO of Hano Redware Masterpiece for sale.

Rare NAMPEYO of Hano Redware Hopi Pottery Masterpiece.

" Early Nampeyo Trademark Designs "

NAMPEYO burst upon the International World with her fine Hopi-Tewa pottery,
earning her the reputation as the Greatest Native American Artist
of the Twentieth century. Few today realize that her pottery was also
her livelihood for her family. The attribution to Nampeyo of Hano is fairly obvious.

The noted Nampeyo author, Barbara Kramer, assigns the " Frets by a Diagonal " design
to a short period between 1904 -1910. The motif is a common ancient Kayenta / Tusayan / Jeddito design.

A turn of the century brief revival of red slip at Zuni Pueblo may have influenced Nampeyo
to use it as well. Nampeyo often found inspiration from both ancient Hopi  & Zuni design elements ( as
 the Four-Mile / Pinedale / St. Johns / Heshota type "Stair-step Lines" above illustrate ) & historic Zuni pottery.

The Zuni like triple replication of the design is uniquely characteristic of Nampeyo's early works. Note the piece below this.
According to granddaughter Daisy Hooee Nampeyo who worked closely with her grandmother,
the solid top band indicates Nampeyo was past the child-bearing part of her life.
The period of 1904-1910 would also be Fannie's childhood years.
A broken top band would probably indicate the pre-Hopi House era.

Dimensions: Approximate width is 6 inches by 3 inches high

This rare example of her early Redware Hopi Pottery work is no longer available.

Not for Sale
It's just too exquisite to let go.

For more Nampeyo Pottery Photos, click here



Nampuya - Famous Hopi Pottery Maker
Nampuya postcard



Rare NAMPEYO of Hano Sikyatki Masterpiece for sale.

Rare NAMPEYO of Hano Sikyatki Hopi Pottery Masterpiece.

" Early Nampeyo Kayenta - Sikyatki Designs "

NAMPEYO burst upon the International World with her fine Hopi-Tewa pottery,
earning her the reputation as the Greatest Native American Artist
of the Twentieth century. Her pottery can be seen around the World
in Museums from Oslo Norway to the Smithsonian. A large Nampeyo
Olla from the same early time period is on display at the Heard Museum.


Dimensions: Approximate height is 5 inches by an impressive width of 10 inches

The attribution to Nampeyo of Hano is blatantly obvious.
The Zuni like triple replication of the design is uniquely characteristic of Nampeyo's early works.
This rare example of her early Sikyatki Hopi Pottery work is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Great Deal, Good Communication Good People ! Happy ! "

For more Nampeyo Pottery Photos, click here



Restored photograph - Nampeyo of Hano
Restored photograph - Nampeyo of Hano



NAMPEYO  OF  HANO Seed Jar - Hopi House Era



"Circa 1901 -1905, Pre-Hopi House Era"

This alluring ( 6.25 in. wide & 3.75 in. high ) GEM
is a stunning example of Nampeyo of Hano's Redware pottery.

Elmore Indian Arts has a similar Nampeyo Black on Red Seed Jar
( # P3225 ), which has nearly the same measurements.
We are very confident in our attribution to Nampeyo of Hano.

Museum Grade - without any cracks

This fine example of her Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Recently Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Would certainly buy from again. Thks "



Restored photograph by Edward Curtis of Nampeyo
Restored photograph by Edward Curtis of Nampeyo


NAMPEYO of Hano "Hopi Villages" Hopi-Tewa Tourist Ware.

" Early Nampeyo Awatovi Type Designs "

Circa 1905-1915, this bowl replicates the Awatovi "Clown Face" often mentioned
in Barbara Kramer's book, as well as Nampeyo's "Windows" of eight intersecting
feather-lines that resemble old Acoma designs.

A Fred Harvey price sticker pre-printed by Dennison
stating "From The Hopi Villages" is still stubbornly attached.
It is the oldest of the three versions known of that sticker.
( Actually four versions, if you include the very rare early twin side stripe variant )

Dimensions: Approximate width is 4 & 1/4 inches by 2 inches tall

This rare example of her Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Super piece, super seller, fast & efficient! "



" THE GREATEST ARTIST OF HER TRIBE. This is Nanpeo the famous Hopi pottery maker, now nearly blind. But her gift for ceramic decoration is to be transmitted through her daughters who have been carefully instructed in the use of designs which have a religious symbolism as well as esthetic qualities. Nanpeo is wearing a typical Hopi costume."  Nat'l Geographic Vol XXX, p. 245. The Knott autochrome dates to 1916. Note B. Kramer plate 9.
Photographer: Franklin Price Knott - Published by National Geographic, Vol XXX



NAMPEYO " Flying Saucer " Bowl.

NAMPEYO   "Flying Saucer " Bowl.

"Circa 1901 -1910, Pre-Hopi House Era"

Dimensions: Approximate width is 4-7/8th inches by 2-7/8th inches tall

This fine example of her Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Recently Sold ~



Nampeyo in Chicago, at the Coliseum's 1910 United States Land & Irrigation Exposition.
Nampeyo in Chicago, at the Coliseum's 1910 United States Land & Irrigation Exposition. ( Nov. 19 - Dec. 4 )
Click on photo for an example of Nampeyo's pottery purchased at the 1910 Land Show


N E W   A C Q U I S I T I O N S


Nampeyo of Hano Pottery Bowl Masterpiece

NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Pottery Bowl ,  circa 1903.

" Elegant, Sublime & Truly Classic Nampeyo "

This is a very large ( 10 3/4 in. wide ) classic example of
Nampeyo of Hano Gallery Quality Pottery. One of a kind.

~ Sold ~
 from our Ebay store

Buyer Feedback - " Great Experience "



Restored 1906 photograph by Edward Curtis of Nampeyo
Restored 1906 photograph by Edward Curtis of Nampeyo




NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Pottery Vase.

" An Heirloom Of  Timeless Distinction, & Rarity. "

This large ( 6 - 1/4 in. wide & high ) is a very rare example of Nampeyo of Hano's Vase shaped pottery.
Only one or two similar shaped vases of Nampeyo can be found - in Museum collections !

[ Catalog No: 50.1/ 9989, of the American Museum of Natural History ]

Museum Grade - without cracks, or any restoration whatsoever.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Excellent communication. Best ever packing. Fast delivery ".



Rachel & Annie Healing Nampeyo - 1901
Restored 1901 A.C. Vorman photograph


Iconic Batwing work by Annie Nampeyo w/ multiple rings top & bottom


" Attributed to Annie Healing Nampeyo "

This remarkable large bowl bears the Iconic Batwing design that Annie Healing Nampeyo 
often painted on many of her mother's works seen in some select museums.

Along with the characteristic precision painting of Annie, this rare Iconic Batwing work 
also exhibits the unique additional multiple concentric rings, both on top and bottom, 
next to the larger "Spirit" bands - that are a specific hallmark trait of Annie's work.

 work. Dimensions: Approximate height is 3-1/4 inches by an impressive width of 7 inches

This fine example of Annie's Batwing Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Would certainly buy from again. Thks "




Restored Smithsonian photograph of Nampeyo & her mother White Corn
Restored Smithsonian photograph of Nampeyo & her mother White Corn





NAMPEYO  2pc. Sikyatki Revival Pottery Collection

NAMPEYO  2pc. Sikyatki Revival Pottery Collection

" Classic Nampeyo - Bold & Timeless "

Superb vintage TWO piece Combo  COLLECTION
of classic Nampeyo Sikyatki Revival Pottery

Extraordinarily Condition for it's antique age!

This combo set of her Hopi Tewa Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Super speedy, carefully wrapped, double boxed. Items even better than expected ".


Restored photograph from 1905 by R. Raffius
Restored photograph from 1905 by R. Raffius




NAMPEYO  of  Hano  1903 Teapot Vase.

NAMPEYO  of  Hano  1903 Teapot Vase.

" A Rare Redware Pottery Treasure. "

This ultra rare example of Nampeyo's 1903 Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~


Hopi Indian Pottery Maker, Arizona / Frashers Fotos
Restored Frasher's Fotos postcard



NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Bird Bowl.

NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Bird Bowl.

" Classic Nampeyo of Hano Tourist Ware "

This very rare gem is a stunning ( 4-1/2 in. wide & 3-1/2 in. tall ) example of
Nampeyo of Hano's light-slipped pottery with a single Bird Motif
( vs. the Sikyatki inspired twin "Man-Eagle" birds).

This Classic Nampeyo Hopi Tourist Bird Bowl is no longer available.

~ Sold ~



lantern slide of Nampeyo 1901 from photograph by Vroman


NAMPEYO  of  Hano  "Water Dipper" ,  circa 1901.

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

Nampeyo in August of 1901 - Photographed by Adam Clark Vroman - with two similar water dippers.

They are also featured in A. C. Vroman's 1901 photograph of Nampeyo's daughter, Annie.

Dimensions: Approximate length is 8 - 1/4 inches by 2 - 3/4 inches.

For more Nampeyo Vintage 1901 Hopi Water Dipper Photos, click here

This rare example of her 1901 Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " A very nice piece, described accurately, and very good communication. Thanks. "


"Nampeyo Water Dipper" ,  circa post 1901.

"Nampeyo Water Dipper" ,  circa post 1901.

Dimensions: Approximate length is 8 - 1/4 inches, by 3 inches wide - 2 1/4 inches high.

The broken handle was repaired prior to our acquisition.

~ Sold ~


Hopi Tewa Pottery Candleholder - attributed to Nampeyo of Hano

Tourist Ware Candlestick

Circa 1903 - 1910
- the "Hopi House" Era -

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Great Product! Lightening Shipping! Happy!



Nampeyo of Hano Redware Candleholder

Redware Candleholder

Circa 1903 - 1910
- the "Hopi House" Era -

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " I've got chills! Awesome piece. Fast shipping. Thank you! Great seller".


First Mesa, Arizona - restored photograph of G.Nicholson, or maybe C.Hartman.
First Mesa, Arizona - restored photograph of G.Nicholson, or maybe C.Hartman.



NAMPEYO of Hano Sikyatki Revival Pottery- Classic Nampeyol Assymetric Design

NAMPEYO of Hano Sikyatki Revival Pottery

" Classic Nampeyo of Hano Sikyatki Revival Assymetry "

Circa 1900-1905 - Pre-Hopi House Era -

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Smooth, Super Fast."



Nampeyo Eagletail Vintage Hopi Tourist Pottery for sale


NAMPEYO  Eagletail  Vintage Hopi  Tourist  Pottery

" Iconic Nampeyo Eagletail Trademark Design "

NAMPEYO burst upon the International World with her fine Hopi-Tewa pottery,
earning her the reputation as the Greatest Native American Artist
of the Twentieth century. Few today realize that her tourist pottery was also
her livelihood for her family. The attribution to Nampeyo of Hano is readily apparent.
Remarkable condition for over a century of age & untold mileage. Sublime, yet affordable.

Dimensions: Approximate width is 4 inches by 2 & 1/4 inches tall

This rare example of her Iconic Hopi Tourist Pottery is now available here for Sale

NEW Sale Price $2,995,
or Best Reasonable Offer

For more Nampeyo Vintage Eagletail Pottery Photos, click here



"Early Nampeyo Polychrome" ,  circa late 1800's.

"Early Nampeyo Polychrome" ,  circa late 1800's.

" Early Nampeyo Sikyatki Revival Shape "

Circa late 1800's, this bowl features an ultra- rare red slipped polychrome painted base
like the other Nampeyo pottery in the famous Keam Collection that Steve Elmore writes about !!!

Dimensions: Approximate width is 3 - 1/8 inches, by 5 inches tall.

~ Sold ~


Restored photograph from 1875 by William Henry Jackson
Restored photograph 3713 from 1875 by William Henry Jackson




NAMPEYO of Hano Hopi Pottery Vase.

NAMPEYO of Hano Hopi Pottery Vase.

" Early Nampeyo Trademark Designs "

Circa 1901 - 1910 - the "Grand Canyon Hopi House" Era.

A beautiful and large vintage Hopi cylinder vase which we are confidently attributing
to the legendary, world famous Hopi-Tewa potter, Nampeyo of Hano.

The vessel’s shape, the quality of the ceramic work & polishing, the natural firing,
the Jeddito "Net" design element, the rather un-Hopi like "Acoma-Zia type Bisected Leaves"
motif together with the Jeddito Ware inspired "Frets by a Diagonal" ( as Barbara Kramer terms it ),
and the positive-negative arrangement of space all implicate Nampeyo of Hano as it's creator.
The attribution to Nampeyo of Hano is much too obvious to honestly debate.

Dimensions: Approximate width is 3 & 1/4 inches by 5 & 1/2 inches tall

This rare example of her vintage 1901-1905 Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Super piece, super seller fast & efficient ! "



Nampeyo 1907 Fred Harvey postcard restored



NAMPEYO of Hano "Period 2" Hopi-Tewa Tourist Ware.

NAMPEYO of Hano "Period 2" Hopi-Tewa Tourist Bowl.

" Classic Nampeyo Period 2 Type Designs "

This classic example of her Period 2 Hopi Tourist Pottery is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Perfect transaction with great communication. Thank you "




NAMPEYO of Hano "Period 1" Zuni Inspired Rainbird Theme.

NAMPEYO of Hano "Period 1 > 2" Zuni Inspired Rainbird Theme.

" Early Nampeyo Period 1 Rainbird Designs "

This historic example of her larger, Period 1>2 Hopi Tewa Pottery, is no longer available.

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " I received the pot. Thank You ! "





Vintage Unsigned Antique Hopi  Pottery

Rare Palhik Mana Bowl Large Hopi Olla w/ Polacca Motifs
Rare Palhik Mana Bowl

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Great Product! Lightening Shipping! Happy!

Large Hopi Olla w/ Polacca Motifs

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Thank you..!!!!!
Absolutely fabulous items. As described !!!! "

Rare Vintage Hopi Stew Bowl - Museum Grade Condition

Rare Vintage Hopi Stew Bowl
" Museum Grade Condition "

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Great Product! Lightening Shipping! Happy!



Annie Healing & Rachel Nampeyo, 1901
Restored 1901 A. C. Vroman  photograph of Rachel



RACHEL NAMPEYO "Migration " Design Masterpiece.

RACHEL NAMPEYO "Migration " Masterpiece.

" Grandchild to Nampeyo of Hano "

Dimensions: Impressive width of 7 inches by 6 & 1/2 inches tall

~ Sold ~

Buyer Feedback - " Great item, great service ! "





Rare Photographic Stereoview of Nampeyo of Hano. Photo by W. H. Jackson, negative # 3713. Both Jackson & Nampeyo died in 1942.
A Rare Photographic Stereoview of Nampeyo of Hano
( We recently gave this to a descendant of Nampeyo - to share with her Family )



N E W   A C Q U I S I T I O N


NAMPEYO of Hano Classic "Hanging Sky" Bowl.

NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Pottery Bowl .

" Elegant, Sublime & Classic Nampeyo "

This stunning example of classic Nampeyo of Hano Gallery Quality Pottery
was sold and is no longer available from us .

Dimensions: Just shy of 5 inches wide by 1-1/2 inches tall.

~ Recently Sold ~




Unsigned Antique Santa Clara
Bear-paw  Water Jar

Unique Flared Rim & Four Bear-paws in the manner of Sara Fina Tafoya

Unique "Rain Drop" Fluted Rim, Four Bear-paws,
& Traditional "Rainbow Band" Pottery Form

- Attributed by her family to Sara Fina Tafoya

" Museum Grade Condition, w/o Cracks "

Approximate width is 6 & 1/4 inches by 6 & 1/4 inches tall

Probably Depression Era. Thin walled & Bear-paws typical of the manner of Sara Fina Tafoya.

Provenance: Originally from the old Chama, N.M Trading Post.

>>>  Written Attribution by Sara Fina Tafoya's family was Included <<<

Sold ~



NAMPEYO  of  Hano  Pottery Vase .

" Iconic Nampeyo Trademark Designs & Form "

& as expected, "a leaner"

Iconic Nampeyo Trademark Designs & Form

Recently Acquired / Not Listed ~




        A Rare First Edition Tom Sawyer we sold on Ebay. It was also a First Printing in the rarest Morraco binding. Less than 100 were manufactured in 1876.

We have been Selling Rare American Treasures
online for many years from our Ebay store


As of 2016, we have earned the coveted Ebay  100% Positive Feedback Rating.
100% Trustworthy with expensive Items like the rarest of Mark Twain First Editions & Kerouacs.
We are very proud of our 100% Positive Seller feedback, and worked very hard for many years to earn it.

We have probably sold more 1876 True First Edition Tom Sawyers by Mark Twain
than any other bookseller in the World. We just sold our last one from our Ebay store -
& sold the last of our signed Lucy M. Lewis Acoma pottery, & last Allan Houser serigraph.

We sold our more affordable NAMPEYO Hopi-Tewa Pottery there.

Our Nampeyo Hopi Pottery

Potential Buyers can contact us thru our Ebay store.

Or Call us today - at 217-257-8708

Some Of Our Nampeyo Redware

Museums, Galleries, & Celebrities are always welcomed.

If a buyer prefers to buy their Nampeyo masterpiece via Ebay,
we can easily make arrangements to do so with them.

Listings can be made Private - if requested.

Due to countless War Crimes Against Humanity & my kinfolk,
we will not ever, ever sell, nor ship to Russia.


Thank You to our many valued Customers
who have made our business the success it is.

Our Inventory sold fast.

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For more Nampeyo Pottery Photos, click here

These color photos of pottery for sale are copyrighted by their respective owner.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.