the Baltic consonants š, ž, č, are written out as sh, zh, ch.

gile acorn
giliukan luck, good luck
gilus deep
gimine relative; gender
gimsenis birth
gimstis uterus
gimtas native
gimtun to be born (Inf)
gine friend (common gender)
ginis friend (masc)
giniskas friendly (adj)
ginīsta friendship
ginītis friend (affectionate ending)
ginivingas friendly
ginivingiskas friendly
ginklas weapon
gint to defend (Inf)
gintu tribe
gintus a relative
girbaut to count (Inf)
girbis numeral, number
girdīt to hear (Inf)
girnavas millstone
girsna praise, reputation
girt to praise (Inf)
girtas intoxicated (drunk)
gīsla vein [ Armenian " jil ", O.C.S. " zila " ]
gīt to heal, stay alive (Inf)
gīvanti living (pres act. part.)
gīvas alive
gīvasis the living (adj)
gīvata life
gīve life
gīvēt live (Inf)
glaime slime
glaimeze a slug
glait to putty (Inf)
glaivas putty, clay
glandas comfort
glandivingai confidently
glandint to comfort (Inf)
glaubt to scratch (Inf)
glaust to snug (Inf)
glēsīs amber ( a Gothic loanword, note: ON glaesa. )
gl'auptene plowboard
glīta pretty
globt to embrace (Inf)
glodus smooth, even
glosena slow worm snake (anguis fragilis)
glōsis willow tree
gluda lustre, polish
glūmbe doe, white-tail
gnate breadpan
gnestun to press, weigh down (Inf)
gnida nit
gobtun to go (Inf)
gōdas banquet, feast
gole resin
golimbias blue
gonis newt
gosnis woodcock
gozapīte shit-creek
gozēs crap (fem pl tantum) [ "gozhni" Romani ]
graisas frost
grambōle beetle
grandas bridegroom
grandika plank, thick board
grandis ring, chainlink
granztas drill, borer
grasa threat, menace
graudenei dense forest
graudīt to grieve, morn (Inf)
graudus sad, grave, mornful
gravīne wagonboard (side)
gravus side (of body)
grazi beautiful (fem)
grazus beautiful
greile cream
grēkas sin
grēkausna confession
grēkaut to confess (Inf)
grēkenīkas sinner
grēkīt sin (Inf)
gremt to sing, chant (Inf)
grensingas gnawing, mordant
gresme danger
gresmingas dangerous
grest to scratch (Inf)
gr'ause a pare
gribt to grab (Inf)
grīda stack, pile
grīmika song
grinda floorboard
grint'an building, house
grīnzte rope, cable
gr'ūtun to fall, collapse (Inf)
grobas guts
grōdis clod, December
gromatas community
grozis grace, beauty
grūdas kernel
gruminas thunder, rumble
gruminasvumbaras privy
grumīt to thunder (Inf)
grundine foundation
grundukis gudgeon (gobio gobio)
gruntas basis
gruntpavirpa boundless
gruvas fall
gruzas minnow
gubuns gone
bush, underwood
gudraut to scheme (Inf)
guga knoll
gulbīs swan (cygnus olor)
gulīt to lay down (Inf)
gulsenis childbirth pain
gulta bedtime
gult to lay down (Inf)
gumsakis bile
gumbas knob, mushroom
gunas herdsman
gune rug
gunt to drive, chase, herd (Inf)
gurdus slow
gurīnas poor, miserable
gurkle throat
gurste collection
to become weak, poor (Inf)
gurte cucumber
gūt to gain (Inf)
gūtas greed
Gutija Gothland (early Common Era)
gūtingas greedy
gutiskai Gothic ( Click here for more info )
Gutōj a Goth
Gutones Goths
īde flaw
ikai if (conj)
ikrai calves of legs
īla awl  [ Loanword from nearby Gothic ]
īlas dark
ilgai long (adv)
ilgas long
ilgimas length of time
ilmas thatch-shingle
ilus silt
imtun to take (Inf)
īnas real
īnis rime
inkste kidney
īnsas short
instīkas thumb
inzuvaut to gossip (Inf)
inzuvis tongue
ir and, also (conj)
irma arm, shoulder [ Skt. " īrma-" id ]
irstva bear's den
irt to dissolve (Inf)
is- (see " iz " below)

īvas owl (asio otus)
īvasgarbas owlhill
iz- out of, from
iz from, out of (w/ Dat. or Acc.)
izarvai truly, genuinely
izarviskas true, genuine
izas ice
izimt to exempt (Inf)
izkvendau whence, from where
izlaikot keep, preserve (Inf)
izleit to pour out, shed (Inf)
izmaitint to lose (Inf)
izmigt to fall asleep (Inf)
izmokinsna education
izmokint to learn (Inf)
iznaudosna exploitation
iznaudot to exploit (Inf)
izpresenis reason
izpresna reason, logic
izpret to understand (Inf)
izpretingai namely
izrankint to save, deliver (Inf)
izrankisna deliverance
izrankīt to deliver, save (Inf)
izskaitint to exclude (Inf)
izstalīt to carry out (Inf)
izstendau from there (w/ Dat.)
izteinu from now on
iztilt to bear, carry (Inf)
izvinandau external
izvīst to see, percieve (Inf)
jakna liver
jau already
jauja barn for drying or threshing
jaukas unusual, pleasant
jaukint to domesticate, tame, exercise (Inf)
jaunas young
jaust to feel, sense (Inf)
jaut to confuse, disturb (Inf)
jautīs ox
jautrus sensitive
javaras sycamore
javas cereal grain (dial)
jente sister-in-law
jēris yearling
jērist'an lambkin
jēva black alder (rhamnus frangulac)
jēvorai a stand (grove) of black alder
Jēzus Jesus
jo yes ( < Gutnish " ", or Wielbark " ja "  )
jōkas joke
jōkaut to joke (Inf)
jōkingas funny
jōsta sash
jōst to gird (Inf)
jotis rider
jotra journey
Jotvingai poly-ethnic "Yatviagi" Rus' ( Click Here for foto )
Jotvings a Yatvings ( Játvígs Róss-mann )
jotvingiskai Grodno-Suwalki dialects of  Norse Játvígs Rus'
jotvingun bila "Yotvingian" dialect of Sūdovian-Dainavian (albeit with Norse affinities)
jot to go, ride (Inf.)
judus aggressive
jūms to/for you (
jūnga yoke
jūngtun to join, yoke (Inf)
jūnktun to get accustomed to (Inf)
jūr'ai sea, ocean
jūrinīkas sailor
jūs you (
jūsun your (Gen. pl..)
jūsas yours'
juse broth, soup
just to notice, sense (Inf)
jūtis crossroad
juvas yew-tree
ka what ( neuter gender )
kabe hook, clasp
kabīt to hang (Inf)
kadagis juniper
kadan when (conj)
kadangi since
kadīt to burn as incense, also, burst (Inf)
kai how; as; so that; when
kaidi that one
kaigi how; as (conj)
kailas hello, hail   [ also laconic " kails " ]
kails ! hello ! [ spoken variant of  " kailas " ]
kailūstas healthy (adj)
kailūstiskas healthy (adj)
kaimalūkīt visit (Inf)
kaimas village, settlement [ Saami " gaibmi " ]
kaimene flock, herd
kaimīnas neighbor, townsman
kaina price, cost, compensation [ Digor " kijnoe " ]
kainint to cost (Inf)
kairint to provoke (Inf)
kaisnis comb
kaistuve brush for hair
kaitint to heat (Inf)
kaitīsenis desire
kaitīt to want, desire (Inf)
kaitrus hot
kaive mare (see "kēve")
kaka crap, "doo-doo"
kakint to attain (Inf)
kaklas cycle [ Finnish " kekri ", Vedic Sanskrit " čakras " ]
kakta forehead, front
kalade chopping block
kalas wels catfish (silurus glanis)  [ Chuvash " karas ", carp ]
kalavian sword
kalavija iris
kalaut to fish for catfish (Inf)
Kalenda Christmas
kaline threshing shed floor
kalint to forge, beat (Inf)
kalmus stump
kalopeilis knife for chopping
kalpus crossblocks on cart
kalsa pancake
kalsas wrinkled, dryed
kalsot to purport, sound (Inf)
kaltas bar, rod
kalte coin
kaltiskīs klokīs honeybear
kaltun to forge (Inf)
kalva small island
kamaisīs shoulder joint
kamanītis horse
kamata dill
kame sheep
kamenis chimney
kamerka pantry
kaminai moss
kamist'an sheep
kamus bumblebee
kampas bend, curve
kan when (conj)
kanap'laukas hemp field
kanapinīkas hemp grower
kanapinīs hemp spirit-being
kanapis hemp [ ? Gothic > * 𐌷𐌰𐌽𐌰𐍀𐌹𐍃  "hemp"]
kanap'sēmen hempseed [ Volgaic " *kanšaras " ]
kanda moth
kanka torture
kankles harp [ < *kankeles ]
kankste constraint, proper, decent
kankstinsna discipline
kankstiskas disciplined (adj)
kanktun to restrict, straighten (Inf)
kanove barrel
kanstun to bite (Inf)
kanta patience
kantaras patient
kantrība patience
kapainas cemetery
kapas grave, burial mound, "kurgan"
kaperna knoll
kapona hoof
karaimiskai Karaim
karausna struggle, conflict
karbas basket
karbīja notchbox (mill)
karbis sack
kardas echo
karas war
kar'aga military expedition
kar'angus flag, banner
kar'as army, band of warriors
kar'aut to battle, fight (Inf)
kar'avaitas military-review
karige ash (mt.)
karka limb
karna bark
karpis cliff
karpīt to shear (Inf)
karpune lichen
karsīt to become frail (Inf)
karstas hot
kart to hang (Inf)
kartas one time
kartena perch, pole
kartus strong, hard
karve cow [ Sanskrit " karīṣa, Wakhi " čōrvō " ]
karvelis pidgeon (Columba oenas) [ from Zietela & Pajevonys dialects ]
young cow
karvis ox
small cow
karvot to graze, chew (Inf)
kas who, what
kasa pagan why
kasis tax
kasīt to scratch (Inf)
kasma to / for whom - what
kasoje brass
kastun to dig (Inf)
kasula hazel tree / bush [ WHG substratum loanword ]
cat ( domesticated )
katīka kitten
katilas kettle
katras which of two
kaubre thorn
kauburis bump
kaukas devil, goblin
kauke mask
kauk to howl (Inf)
kaulas bone
kauningas shy, humble
kaupabutan store
kaupan market
kaupas a heap, a measure [ Avestan " kaofa " mountain; Eng. " heap " ]
kaup'as merchant ( Goth-Viking trade term )
kaupiskas commercial (adj)
kauptun to buy (Inf)
kautun to hammer, hew, beat (Inf)
kauras carpet
kavat to beat, strike (Inf)
kavīdas which
kavīdasa of which (Gen.s.m)
kąza smoking pipe [ Tartar loanword ]
keitas hard
keitint to harden (Inf)
kekeris pea
kekste tress
kekis crutch
kekulas towel
kelai vehicle
kelan wheel
kelanabas hub, wagonwheel hub
kelaranka spoke [ Finnish "ranka" ,  English "rung" ]
kelas several
kelavezīs wagondriver  [ Lith. "ratavežys" ]
kelda party
keli how much
kel'an lance
kel'alagzde lanceshaft
kelkas chalice
kelmis hat
kelt to raise, lift (Inf)
Kenesa Kenesa (see Photo below)

kemeras hellebore
kenke hinge
kenkle hamstring
kenkt to harm, damage (Inf.)
kept to roast, bake (Inf.)
keptas roasted
keras shrub, bush
keraberze birch-bush
kerda time, timeline (sequence)
kere sorcery
kergt to bind, tie(Inf)
kerēt to hope, also; charm (Inf)
kerka red-throated diver (gavia stellata)
kermeneniskas temporal, earthly
kermeneniskai bodily
kermenis body, flesh
kermusa wild garlic [ Tajik dial. " kamč "]
kerorai a patch of shrubs
kerpetas skull
kersha see kirsha (w/ Acc.)
kersle axe ( hewing axe )
kerstas revenge
kerta hearth (rectangular pit)
kertnan offering pan over hearth
kēsmas time "this time
kēsmingiskai temporally  
kest to track, mark (Inf) 
keturdesimt forty
keturei/keturis four
ketvirtas fourth
Ketvirtīkas Thursday
kēve mare
kēvene filly
k'aukaris wood pidgeon (columba palumbus)
k'auklan shell
k'aune marten (martes martes)
k'auras marked, torn
k'ausan small bowl
k'auta skin, leather [ English "coat", Lapp "koti", Chinese "kuo" ] 
kīka hood
kike bunch, cluster, pod
kīla white wagtail (motacilla alba)
kilas enduring
kīlis wedge
kilpa lasso
kiltas noble
kiltis tribe, origin
kilt to rise (Inf) 
kinga brooch
kinis lair
kīnīt to struggle (Inf)
kint to begin (Inf)
k'ose cup, goblet
to hear (Inf)
kirke church
kirmis worm
kirna shrub, dogwood, cornel
kirpt to cut, shear, shave (Inf)
kirsha over, (prep, dialect "kersha")
kirslīs grayling (thymallus thymallus)
kirsnas black
kirsnis a black horse
kirst to slash, cut, be angry (Inf) [ Skt. " kŗṣati " ]
kirstas sharp manner
kirtīs a slash, wound, cut
kirvis hatchet
kīsis bribe
kista box, chest  [ Old Norse term ]
kitadan formerly
kitakvei elsewhere
kitas other
kitavīdai otherwise
kitavīdint to change (Inf)
kitavīdiskai otherwise
kizes coat, furcoat
klaivija meat, side of
klantīsna curse, treachery
klantīt to curse (Inf)
klatai weeds
klausīt to hear, listen (Inf)
klausīvenīkas confessor
klausīvingas confessor
klebt to embrace, hold (Inf)
klejai glue
kleksta broom, whisk
klente cow
klept to steal (Inf)
klesīt to press (Inf)
klēte barn, grainary [ Old Gutnish "kleti" !!! ]
klines bran
klises pincers of crayfish
kl'ude error, obstruction
kl'ut to obstruct (Inf)
klodas layer
klokīs bear [see " tlokīs " ] (ursus arctos) (Click here for photo)
klumpas stool
klumpe clog
klumpint to disturb, knock (Inf)
klupstas knee
klupt to stumble (Inf)
kneipīt to obtain (Inf)
kneistis fuel for fire
knisa ravine
knist to dig (Inf)
koja trunk, torso
kōkas dance
kōkine dance event
kōlas stake
kōlavarnīs rook (corvus frugilegus)
komateris god-parent
komīt be hungry (Inf)
kope dune
kōpa group
kopta ford
korīs honeycomb
korus greedy
korta cage, hedge of vines
kose gullet
kosīt to cough (Inf)
kotus worthless
kote jackdaw (corvus monedula)
kova struggle
kovai northern lights
kovas March
krada stack
kragas jug
krainas bride-price
kraise hay, oats
krake stake, post
krakta black woodpecker (dryocopus martius)
krakla chest, ribcage
kramptas nail
kramst to cram, gnash(Inf)
krantas beach
krauja blood
kraujavirpis leech
kraukt to croak(Inf)
kraupus coarse
krause pear-tree
krausa pear
kreilis southpaw
kreivakaulas rib
kreivas crooked
kreivint to make crooked (Inf)
kremzle nosebone
krēna horseradish
krepsas backpack
kresīt to sit down (Inf)
kreslan chair
Kresmena "The Seat"  ( Sūdovian stronghold )
kriausīt to smash, hit (Inf)
krikaitas plum, bullace
krikstanai Christians
krikstaniskas Christian (adj)
krikstenīkas baptizer
krīkstīna sand martin (riparia riparia)
krikstīsenis baptism
krikstīsna baptism, rebirth
krikstīsnalaiskas baptismal book
krikstīt to baptize (Inf)
krīkt to cry (of birds), quack (Inf)
krist'anīsta Christendom
Kristus Christ
krivule staff of leader
krosa color
krūmstis poker
krūmstus knuckle
krupeile frog (rana ridibunda)
krupeilingis (lake) with many frogs
krusa sleet
krūtun to fall (Inf)
kruvinas bloody
krūvas a fall
ku how ( < * kō )
kudas bashlyk, hood
ku-deznimai as often as (adv) [ ku- < * kō ]
kuei where - see kvei
kūgis haystack
kūilis boar
ku-ilgimai as long as (adv)
kūjas hammer [ Cheremis "kuj", Hungarian "ko" ]
kukore kitchen
kūlas hernia
kulikis bag, poach, purse
kulnas ankle
kulse haunch, hip
kumetis peasant
kumpint to disturb (Inf)
kumstis fist
kunigas leader [ Loanword ]
brown, bay
kunklas grain cockle
kunoda potato
kupīt to steam (Inf)
kupra hump
kupsēla mound
kupsinis fog, mist
kurnas deaf, disabled
kurpe shoe, boot
kurpelis boot-tree
kurpis block for carping
kurpt to burrow (Inf)
Kursa Courland ( Kurszeme )
kursīs (a) Courlander
kursas glade ( > Kurszeme )
kursiskai Courish
kursiskan Courish
kurta groove
kurtas greyhound
kurt to kindle, create (Inf)
kuruet jerky (Karaim term)
kusis bug
kusīt to move (Inf)
kūsis pubic hair
kuslaisis weakest
kuslas weak, blind
kust to take care of (Inf)
kūte conical tent, hemp-tent [ Sanskrit "kuti" ]
kūtene hut, shed
kvaitas will
kvait'an summon, invitation
kvaitīt to want, wish (Inf)
kvaja fir tree, spruce
kvapas breath, puff
kvei where (kuei)
kvēke brushwood
kvipt to give off scent (Inf) [ Tocharian "kwipe", English "wife" ]
kvita receipt
laba goodness
labai well (adv)
labakvaitīsna lust-lasciviousness
laban giliukan! good luck!
labapadinkausna enjoyment, pleasure
labas good
labasegīsna kindness, charity
labatingas prosperous
labiskas favored, fortunate
labulis good person
lagzda branch, hazel nut tree [ Albanian "laithi" hazel, Armenian "last" raft ]
-lai let, may (participle)
laibas thin
laida consent
laidas clay, loam, (also adj. slippery)
laignan cheek
laikan term, span of time
laikīt to massage, hold (Inf)
laikot to hold, fulfill (Inf)
lailīsna torment, hardship
Laima Fate, Spirit of
laimas fortunate
laimingiskai amply (adv)
Laimingun Svent'un Happy Holidays !
laimiskas ample, generous
laimiskai amply
laipīna request, order
laipint to command, order (Inf)
laipta plowhandle
laisa clay
laisas thin, slender
laiskas book
laist to let, let loose (Inf)
lait to pour (dial.) (Inf)
laivas Left (direction)
lakalas dogfood
lakna pants
lakstai leaves and stem of a plant
lakte coat, of sheepskin
lakt to lap (Inf)
lakutis bream (abramis brama)
landan food
langsta window
lanka meadow
lankī path
lankina feast, celebration
lanktis curved prongs for oven, curve
lapan leaf, petal; page
lape fox (vulpes vulpes) [ Latvian "lapsā", Vedic "lopāša" ]
lapent to devour (Inf)
lapivarta yardgate for walkers
lapinas spoon
lapkrūtis November
lasasa salmon (archaic - for luciotrutta leucichthys)
laskana rag
lataka horseshoe
lataunīkas (a) Latvian
Latava Latvia
lataviskai Latvian
lataviskan Latvian
laugt to lie (Inf)
laukagerta partridge (perdix perdix)
laukas clearing, field
laukinīkas landlord (-farmland)
laukīt to search, wait (Inf)
lauksna star
lauksnos stars
lauksnoran constelllation
lauma Fairy, Nymph
lauskas flake
lauzas log, pile of wood
lauzdint to be humbled (Inf)
lauzdingas humble, somber
lauzdingiskas humble
lauzīt to break (Inf)
laze blanket
lazinis flat, shallow
lazint to put, place (Inf)
lazta bed
ledas ice
leipa linden, July
leipalingis linden rich area
leiporai a linden stand (grove)
leit to pour (Inf.)
leitaunīkas (a) Lithuanian
Leitava Lithuania
leitaviskai Lithuanian
leizīt lick
lekmenis puddle
lele lily
lemas edge of plough
lēnais slower
lēnaisis slowest
lēnas slow, lazy
lendan valley, grassland
lendina reed, meadow grass
lengvas light, easy
lengvaseilingas light-hearted
lengvaseiliskas simplistic, easy
lenkt to bend (Inf)
lenta board
lēzt to crawl (Inf)
l'audis folk, people
l'auka gland
l'aupsīt to praise (Inf.)
l'autun to cease, also to allow (Inf.)
līda northern pike (esox lucius)
līdaut to fish for pike (Inf)
līga judgement
liga illness
ligas ill
līginot to even out (Inf)
līgint judge, compare (Inf)
līgus even, equal
likt to remain (Inf)
līkutas small
līkutkekers lentil
limt to break (Inf)
lina flax, linen [ WHG substratum loanword ]
līnis tench (tinca tinca)
linga stirrup
lingasaitan stirrupstrap
lipa glue
lipt to stick, climb (Inf)
līsa garden plat, garden bed
līt to flow, rain (Inf)
lītva orgasm
l'ūdis head of the house
l'ūdinī lady of the house
l'ūdna sad, irratic
lizda nest
lizīt'as pen for shoeing
lizkas camp (military)
loja suet
loksnus sensitive
loma vail
lonīkis bull
lopa paw
lopas flame
lopis leather patch
lopīt to patch, mend (Inf)
lopta spade
lotun to bark, scold (Inf)
luba ceiling board
l'ūbenīkas marriage performer
lūgis cake
luginas pliant
lūgnas quagmire
lugot to request, invite (Inf)
lukarna lamp  [ loaned from Wielbark culture contacts ]
lukis torch
lūkīt to seek (Inf)
lukne waterlily
lunkan bast, bass [ loaned from Baltic > Saami > Finnish ]
lunkas corner, angle
lūsis lynx (felis lynx)
luzgana scale (of fish)
madla prayer [ vs. East Baltic "malda"! ]
madlīka prayer, wish
madlīsna prayer, wish
madlīt to pray (Inf)
magila spirit of shades
maigas sleep
maigīt to blend, mix, mingle (Inf)
maigt to sleep (Inf)
mailus diminuative
mainas exchange, change
mainīt to exchange, change (Inf)
mais greater
maisis bellows, bag
maisisis greatest
maisīt to mix, knead (Inf)
maisotas varigated
maisot to mix (Inf)
maita meat, carcass
maitint to feed, nourish (Inf)
maito(ja) (he) feeds
maitosna nourishment
maitot to nourish (Inf)
maitōt to exchange (Inf)
maizīs barley [ WHG substratum loanword ]
maja my ( fem.)
majai to / for my (
majas my ( masc.)
majasma to / for my (
majim with me (relic Instrumental .sg.)
makent to become mired (Inf)
maksna case, sheath
mala shore, bank
maldais young, the
maldaisis young, the
maldas young
maldata youth
maldenīkas child
mald'an foal
maldūne youth (fem.)
malkīs smeltfish
malt to grind, mill (Inf)
malūnakelan millwheel
malūnas mill, grainmill
malūnastabas millstone,primary
malzīt to milk (Inf)
mandaras cheerful, keenly intelligent
mandivelis quernhandle
manīt to enchant, seduce (Inf)
manga whore
mans us (
maras plague, doom
mari bay, gulf, sea [ Gothic 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌴𐌹, id ]
margas measurement of land
marka pit for steeping hemp
marlaka yellow oat grass
marti bride
mastas mast, pole
matis measure, a
matryt to observe, survey (Inf)
matrus wary
mauda hemlock
maugar'an larch, tamarac
mauras meadow grass
maut to bathe, swim, also - bellow (Inf)
maza less (few)
mazais the less (few) (definite form)
maz'būt perhaps, maybe, possible to be
mazīngas able, possible
mazīt to be able, can, be possible (Inf)
mazgena brain, knot (slang)
mazgot to dip repeatedly (Inf)
med'an forest (ancient natural border)
med'jas hunter
medenīkis tartarvis capercaillie (tetrao urogallus)
med'one hunt, chase
mednīt'e bowl of brass
medu honey [ Tocharian "mit", Chinese "mi" honey ]
medumente honey-spoon
meitas stake, post
melagis liar
melas malicious
melata green woodpecker (picus viridis)
melde lightning flash
meldai reeds
mēlīna spot, dark spot
mēlne bruise (dark area)
men me (Acc.)
mene of me (Gen.)
menei to/for me (Dat.)
mēnukas moon
mēnas month
mensa flesh, meat
mensove basin, tureen bowl
mente mixer, spatula
ment to lie (Inf)
merga girl, maiden, lass
mergele maiden, girl
merklina flash
merkt to wink (Inf)
mes We [ aphaeretized variant of IE *ņsmes ]
mēstan city
mest to throw, cast (Inf)
metan year ( Hittite "mēḫur" )
metas measure (a)
mētīs throw
-mi me (enclitic)
min me (Acc. hybrid enclitic)
migla twilight mist
migt to sleep (Inf)
miksiskai German
miksiskas German
miksīt to stammer (Inf)
mīlais dearer
mīlaisis dearest
milan cloth, hempcloth
mīlas dear
mīlasērdingiskas compassionate
mildna thunderbolt weapon of Perkūnas
mīle love
mīlingas gracious, kind
mīlis more beloved
mīlīt to love (Inf)
miltan meal, flour
milteine oatmeal
minīkas tanyardman
mint to trample, break, work up, rub (Inf)
minīsna remembrance
minīt to mention, recall (Inf)
mint to think, believe, guess (Inf)
mintis thought,
minkīt to make soft, knead (Inf)
minkstas soft
mīnzas fat
mīrisna thought
mīrit to think (Inf.)
mirkt to steep (Inf) next from Contents

Baltic Hempseeds have been dated to 2,500 B.C.!!!
 Virdainas - U.S.A. Copyright 1994 - All Rights Reserved
A Restored Lexicon of our Sūdovian & Yatving Indigenous Language
For Use By Sūdovians & Yatvings, and their descendants.