the Baltic consonants š, ž, č, are written out as sh, zh, ch.

shūmena thread for shoes
shūt to sew (Inf)
shūta thread
shūt'an thread, yarn
shūvīkas shoemaker
-si one's own (enclitic)
siksna leather strap
siksnīs bat (eptesicus serotinus)
sikt to crap (Inf)
sila sandy heath with pine forestation
silanīkas heathen, woodsman
sīlecke herring (clupea harengus membras)
silkasdrimbas silk veil, scarf
siltas tepid, mild
simtan / simtai hundred (, pl )
simtmetis century
sin one's own (acc. hybrid)
sīnika tomtit (parus major)
singas contour depression
sintīt to think (Inf)
sirablas silver ( < Iberian term )
sirde core
sirmas lye
sirpt to ripen (Inf)
sirsilis hornet
sirvan grey-silver (dappled)
sirvis roe deer (capreolus capreolus)
sirzdau among, between (w/ Dat.)
sīvai juice, sap (pl.)
sīvan grey
skabis sharper, more sour
skabrūstas quick
skabt to carve (Inf)
skaista beautiful, clean
skaitan shield
skaitītint mark (Inf)
skaitīt read, "see" signs (Inf)  [ see: " vorskaitas " ]
skala chips
skalaut to wash, rinse (Inf)
skalbiakai menses
skalenīkas hound
skalīsna duty, obligation
skalus chin
skalva chip, sliver
skanas puppy
skanīt to taste well (Inf)
skanulunkas bass, bast
skanūstas tasty
skapas ram (neutered)
skaplis hatchet
skara pelt
skardis plate
skarne boot
skarstas tin ( the "hard"-ener )
skast to leap (Inf)
skaudīt to hurt (Inf)
skebelis hair
skela debt
skelēt owe, need
skelt to split (Inf)
skepsne cover [ Ainu "kap" cover ]
sk'audīt to sneeze (Inf)
sk'aure sow pig
skilas impetuous
skinkis tablebeer
skirpstas honeysuckle-elm
skirpstorai a patch of honeysuckle-elm
skirselis northwest wind
skirt to disconnect (Inf)
skīsta purity
skīstas pure, clear
skīstai modestly
skīstint to purify (Inf)
skīstiskas pure, clean (adj)
skīt to rise (Inf)
sklait but (conj)
sklaitas without (w/ Acc.)
sklaitas simple, only
sklaitavingiskas special
sklaitinsna chapter, section
sklaitint to put asunder (Inf)
sklaitiskas particularly (adj)
sklaitiskai especially
sklaits except (prep)
sklaits otherwise (adv)
sklandas fence post
sklasta roof over a shrine
skobervas hornbeam tree
skoda harm, damage
skrait to flutter, fly around (Inf)
skraislis flounder (arnoglossus laterna)
skrampaut to wrinkle, shink (Inf)
skrete circumference
skrīsis cross
skrīsīt to crucify (Inf)
skritaile wheelrim-old type
skrundus scissors
skrutele tailor
skubint to hasten (Inf)
skudrus fast, swift
skupstīt to kiss (Inf)
skurbt to whither (Inf)
skurdīs chisel for millstone
skust to shave (Inf)
skutīs maple
skutorai a maple stand
slaikas earthworm
slaine saliva
slait to lean (Inf)
slaitas slope, hillside
slaja sleigh
slajan sleighrunner-ski
slakan drop, sprinkle
slakint to sprinkle (Inf)
slakīt to make wet (Inf)
slanke great snipe (gallinago media)
slauga service
slaunas thigh
slaune hipbeam on wagon
slaviskai Slavic
slavos dried stalks, stems
slēgt to lock (Inf)
slidenīkas bloodhound
slinkas lazy
slinkt to slink (Inf)
slitas ladderlog
slīvaitas plum
slūze service (domestic)
slūzingiskas useful
slūzinīka domestic helper
slūzīsna service
slūzīt to serve, work (Inf)
smagint to laugh (Inf)
smagūstas cheerful, happy
smakras goatee
smaras grease
smardas foul odor
smardint to stink (Inf)
smeit to laugh, smile (Inf)
smerlingīs smelt (osmerus eperlanus)
smikuta barn swallow (hirundo rustica)
smorde bird-cherry tree
smula hornless
snaigas snow [ Inuit "ainu" - packed snow ]
snaige snowflake
snaigt to snow (Inf)
snake snail
snapas beak
snigt to snow (Inf)
snokstas snot
sodas orchard, garden
sodint to plant (Inf)
sokīs warbler (sylvia atricapilla)
sokt to jump, dance (Inf)
sōma song, hymn
somōt to make a song (Inf) [ Sanskrit " sāman " ]
sopit to ache (Inf)
sotint to satisfy (Inf)
sotūstas satisfied
spagtas ablution
spaina foam, head on beer
spalis October
spalva quill, feather
spandis wood pail
spanga bit, for horse
spankste spark
( Gothic *𐍆𐍉𐌽𐍉 > Portuguese "fona" )
spanstan mill spindle
sparas truss
sparijas pasture
sparnan wing, quill
sparta strength
spartint to strengthen (Inf)
spartiskas strong
spartas strong, powerful
spauda pressure
speklas lock spring
spekte shower, bath
spelanstis splinter
spenīs nipple, nub
sperglavanagis sparrow-hawk (accipiter nisus)
sperglas sparrow (passer montanus)

spertlan bunyan
spēt to conjecture (Inf)
spigsna bath
spindis clearing in forest
spirt to resist (Inf)
spraust to thrust, push (Inf)
sprengt to press, squeeze (Inf)
sprūgt to escape, leave (Inf)
spurai spurs for horses  [ Gothic loanword ]
bud, young shoot
sta that ( poly-ethnic EB type neuter )
stabas stone
stabaskaldis stone cutter
stabene stove-oven of stone
stabinabutan house of stone
stabinagatve cobblestone street [ Gothic " gatwo ", Vedic " gatvī " ]
stabinatiltan bridge of stone
stabingis stoney (area)
stadan then
stai, stos the, those (pl.,.m,f.)
staide horse collar shaft
staisun of those (
-stak confluence (suffix)
stakle support-beam
stalas table
stalbt to grow stale (Inf)
staldas stable
stalīt to stand (Inf)
stambas trunk, pole, staff
stan there (
standis beehive of boards
staras ray, beam
starnīte tern (sterna hirundo)
stas, sta, sta(-n) the, that (N.m,f,n.)
stasma to/for the/that (
statinīt to place, set (Inf)
stavīdas this kind, such
stavīdasai of this kind (G.s.m)
stasai pagan therefore (G.s.m)
stei there
stege barn-shed
stenīt to suffer, groan (Inf)
stensenis suffering
sterkas walleye/zander (sander lucioperca)
stibinis sleigh-spoke/support
stiga footpath
stikla glass
stingt to become hard (Inf)
stirgena brain
stirt to stiffen (Inf)
stogas roof
stomoj stature
stonais stop, stand ! ( for singular )
stonaite stop, stand ! ( for plural )
stonas stand, condition, state
stoninti standing (pres act. part.)
storas stout
stot to stand (Inf)
stovas floor ( story )
stovinīt to stay (Inf)
straipstas member, participant
straja stall, hut
stramba stubble
stranai hips
strakus trunk, stem
straumenis fast current
strautas stream, rivulet
strava current
stravent to flow, run (Inf)
strēbt to sip (Inf)
strēla arrow
strēna loin, thigh
strigla thistle
stritis region
strujus old man
stu-ilgimai as long as ( adv )
stulpas post, pole
stupas stump
sturnatikromas jealous
sturnavingiskai seriously, earnestly
sturnaviskas serious (adj)
subas oneself
Sūdōnia a river by Marijampolē, Lietuva
Sūdava Sūduva, - Sūdovia ( Click Here for Map of Sūduva)
sūdavīs (a) Sūdovian (dial)
sūdaviskas Sūdovian
sūdaviun bila Sūdovian language
sūdaunīkai Sūdovians ( Click Here for Photo)
sūdīt to soak, season, make tasty (Inf)
sūja rain, gentle rain [ Albanian " shi " rain < * sū- / Tocharian B: " su- " rain ]
suka comb
sukos hackle for hemp
sūkt to suck (Inf)
sula fermented milk [ Middle Persian "hur", Khotanese "hurf" ]
sulas post, stave, pillar
sūnavīs nephew
sunis dog [ North Saami "šūvon", Hittite "kuwan-" ]
sunka fluid, sap
sunukis puppy
sūpas soup, broth
supis millpond dam
supt to toss, throw (Inf)
sur- around, about (prefix)
sūris cheese
surturis dam control
sūrus moist, damp
sutrīst'a whey
suvīni sow
suvīnt'an pig
svaidrai sweat
svaine sister in law
svajan one's own ( [ Sanskrit " svayam " ]
svajas one's own (
svajasa of one's own (
svajasma to/for one's own
svajesa of one's own (
svajim with one's own ( relic)
svajopas particular
svalstīt dart to & frow (Inf)
sestra sister ( w/ Gothic influence )
svelme smoke, vapor
svendras wild angelica (angelica silvestris)
sventadeina holyday
sventainas sanctuary
sventaisis holiest
Sventamed'an the Sacred Forest
sventas holy, sacred
sventīkai saints
sventīkas holy, saint
sventint to consecrate (Inf)
sventiskas spiritual, holy
svētan world ( Slavic term )
svētaviskas worldly
svilptun to whistle (Inf)
sviltun to grill (Inf)
to sweat (Inf)
svītrūstas bright, lustrous [ Sanskrit " śvitra- " ]
svogunas onion (Karaim loanword)
taimen morass
taina thawmud
tairas cellar
taistan dough
tajot to melt (of snow)(Inf)
takas course, path
takasis dike, weir
talka volunteer work [ Tocharian "talke " ] ( Click here for Photo )
talkinīkas freeman, volunteer
talpa capacity
talpint to contain (Inf)
talus floor in house [ Lith " patalas " bed ]
tamsa gloom
tana she
tanaisun their (
tanas he
tanasa his (
tanasmai to/for him (
tane tumor
tank'ai often (adv)
tankint to thicken (Inf)
tankus thick
tansīt to pull (Inf)
tap'as warm
tapis warmer
tapt to heat, brood, create (Inf)
tarat to transverse (Inf)
tarkus trot belt
tartis voice
tart to utter (Inf)
tartarvis black grouse (tetrao tetrix)
taukinas fat
taukint to promise (Inf)
tauras auroch (extinct)
taure horn ( for drinking from )
tauta people, folk, nation, land
tauvis nearer
tauvish'as neighbor ( 𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌽𐌰 )
tebe of thee (Gen.)
tebei to/for thee (Dat.)
teikosna creature, being
teikot to make, create (Inf)
teikt to put, leave (Inf)
teinū now (adv)
teise law, honor
teisint to honor, rectify (Inf)
teisiskas truthful (adj)
teisingai truthfully (adv)
tekailas grindstone
teli as many, so much
telian calf
telzt to urinate (Inf)
temparas dear (sg.,m.)
tempra dear (fem)
temprai dearly, expensively
tempt to stretch, increase (Inf)
ten thee (acc.) [ Komi " teno " ]
tengt to pull, draw, extend (Inf)
tenst to attract (Inf)
tenstīsna attraction
tenti now
tept to daub (Inf)
ter than (adv)
terainas alone
terpa use, profit
tervas strong, sound  [ Vedic "tūrva", Hittite " tarḫu ", N. Sámi "dearvan" ]
tesmenis udder
testamentan testament
tētis grandfather
tēvas uncle
-ti thee (enclitic) [ Selkup Samoyed " tii " ]
tikint to make (Inf)
tikīt to believe, know (Inf)
tikras real, right
tikromas righteous, correct
tikromiska authentic (neut.)
tikromiskas right, sure, certain
tikt to suit (Inf)
tilpt to find room (Inf)
tiltan bridge
tiltinīkas bridge builder
tilzi swampy
tima darkness
tīmas apron-leather
tin you (Acc. hybrid)
tingt to tire (Inf)
tint to extend (Inf)
tinklan snare, net < *tintlan [ Skt. " tantram" ]
tīras swamp
tirnan grass with burrs
tirpt to stiffen (Inf)
tirsas thick
tirstis thickness
tirsnas thirst
tirt'as third
tirt to examine (Inf)
tistīs father-in-law
tīt thus
tite firelight
tītet thus (adv)
tlokīs bear [ re: arsus ] (Click here for photo)
tloktun hit, push (Inf) [Old Irish " tolc ", Czech " tlak ", Georgian " tel-"]
tolis distant, farther
tōpa poplar
tōporai a poplar stand
tosis bark (birch bark)
totoriskai in Tatar ( Click Here for Tatar Music & Lyrics)
tovai parents
tovaine fatherland
tovas father
tove slush
toviskas paternal
trogt to trace (Inf)
trakas glade
trandis moth
transus fat
traukt to drag, haul (Inf)
trausus brittle, dry
trazda ouzel (turdus torquatus)
treigīs three-yr.-old animal
treja threefold (sg. neut.)
trenkt to kick, strike (Inf)
trepai stairs
trept to step to (Inf)
trida diarrhea
trijun of three
trīkst to press (Inf)
trimpt to trample down (Inf)
trine threat
trinsna revenge
trintavine avenger
trint to threaten, wear down (Inf)
trīs three [ W. Yaghnobi " tiray " ]
trīsdesimt thirty
troba cabin
trumpas compact
trupas wood block
tū / tu thou, you (singular)
tūba saddlepad, felt
tukoris weaver (Polish)
tukt to grow fat, swell (Inf)
tūlaisis most (the)
tūlas many
tūldīsna joy, happiness
tūlint to increase (Inf)
tūlis more
tumīt to make thick (Inf)
tuntas flock
turīj had (3rd pr)
turīsna possession
turīt to have (Inf)
turdas solid
tusīt to be quiet (Inf)
tūsimtis thousand [ Meadow Mari " tüžem ", re: " tū-las " ]
tūsimtmetis millennium
tūska swelling [ Sanskrit " tośa- " ]
tusnan silence, quiet
tust'an empty, hollow [ Saami "dušši" id ]
tvajas thy (
tvajasa of thine (
tvajasma to / for thee
tvajesa of thine (
tvajim with thee (relic )
tvaksīt throb, pound, beat (Inf)
tvakstan besom for sauna
tvanas flood
tvanka bay, inlet
tvankas stuffy air
tvenkt to press, oppress (Inf)
tvarka order
tvarkīt to bring to order (Inf)
tveras enclosure
tvert to hold well (Inf)
tvint to swell, rise (Inf)
va ! va ! Here! Here!
vadas seine
vadint to call (Inf)
vade rivulet
vadot to redeem a pledge (Inf)
vaga channel, furrow
vagis thief
vagnīs plowblade, coulter peg
vai! ah
vaidas vision
vaidilis wizard, shaman [ Tungus "šaman" < Tocharian < Sanskrit ]
vaidint to show (Inf)
vaid'līt to divinate, practice wizardry (Inf)
vaidras pail, bucket
vaidūlis pupil
vaigus fast, rapid
vaika life force-energy
vaikas boy, helper
vaikme action
vaina fault, blame
vainakas wreath
vairas helm
vairus turning
vaisas clan, settlement, house
vaisīnas neighboring
vaisingas hospitable
vaisint to entertain guests (Inf)
vaisna knowledge
vaispataut govern
vaispatina wife of clan-elder
vaispatis leader of clan, man of the house
vaistas medicine, remedy
vaist to know (Inf)
vaitas review, examination
vaitint to determine (Inf)
vait'jas speaker
vait'ot to speak, talk (Inf)
vaitis spokesman
vaivesa cattle louse
vajos meadows
vakarai West
vakaras evening, sundown
vakas call, a shout
vakaut to demand (Inf)
vakīt to call (Inf)
vakran yesterday
valas horsetail hair
valdnīkas a sovereign
valdīt to lead, govern (Inf)
valgīt to eat (Inf)
valint to fight (Inf)
valis swingletree
valkas pole for drying hides
valke draught, tug
valkis falcon (falco peregrinus)
valnaisis best (the)
valnint to improve (Inf)
valnis better
valte ear of grain
vangas meadow, pasture
( 𐍅𐌰𐌽𐌲𐍃 )
vangint to complete (Inf)
vangras winding, meandering
vanna bath
vans you (
vansa moustache
vapse wasp
varene copper kettle
vare power, might
vargas bad, evil, trouble, misery
vargasegjant'ai evil-doers
vargingas troublesome, criminal
vargint to trouble (Inf)
vargt to bother (Inf)
varijan copper
varīt to cook, boil, heat (Inf)
varīvingas powerful
varmas mosquito
varminan red, reddish
varne crow (corvus cornix) ( Finnish "varis" )
varn'akopa shrike (lanius minor)
varnas raven (corvus corax)
varpe ear ( barley )
varsa hue, tint
varsmas turn
varsmis heap of grain
varstas a turn, a turn of time [ O. Sl. " vremę " ]
vart to protect (Inf) [Tocharian B " yärp- " ]
vartai door
vartint to turn (Inf)
vartīt to turn (Inf)
varus simmering
varvetlis icicle
varzus lip
varze weir, dam
vasa sprout
Vasara Spring [ Tocharian A. "yusār" < * en uesōr ]
Vasara Spring
vasaris February
vaskan beeswax
vastis clothing
vazinīt to drive, travel (Inf)
vazīs one horse open sleigh ;-)
vedais! lead! (imp)
vedega adze
vederas belly, stomach
vēdint to ventilate (Inf)
vedīs fiance
vedule plow-tree
veidas appearance ( also see "vīdas")
veisijas meadow with spring, or rapids
veisīs fruit
veislus prolific
veismenis brook
veist to breed, rear (Inf)
veisulas whirlwind
vējus breeze, wind
vējukas wind giant ( one-eyed - like Odinn )
velai late (adv)
velas swingletree/plow
veldint to inherit (Inf)
veldīsna inheritance
veldīt to inherit (Inf)
veldūnai heirs
velian weight
velinas ghost
velint to delay (Inf)
vel'ōnas spirit of the other side
velis / vele spirit of the dead
velīt to wash (Inf)
velūstas late (adj)
velt to felt, (II) to allow, (III) revolve (Inf)
vempt to spit, vomit (Inf)
vemis spit
vēna bridal gift
venteris fish trap
vepris wild boar (sus scrofa)
veraut to endure, protect (Inf)
verde wart
verpt to turn, spin (Inf)
versis poem
versīst'an calf
verst to translate, turn, adjust (Inf)
verta vow
vertas worthy, valuable
vertīt to estimate (Inf)
vertīvingas worthy, valuable
vertingas valuable, expensive
vertingiskas valuable, worthy
vert to swear (I) (Inf)
vert to pierce, string (II) (Inf)
vērt to notice (Inf)
verversīs skylark (alauda arvensis)
verza dam
verzt to turn, bind, lace (Inf)
vesdint to marry (Inf)
veselas happy, healthy
Veselan Navan Metan !  Happy New Year !
veselingai happily
veselingas happy
veseliskas joyful (adj)
vest to lead, take a wife, to wed (Inf)
vēsus cool [ Gothic - *
𐍃𐍅𐌰𐌻𐍃 ]
wind (strong)
vēt to winnow, to fan, blow (Inf)
vetingas oldish
vetus archaic, old
vēvare squirrel (sciurus vulgaris)
vẽzēt to swing in the air, wag (Inf)
vẽzdras mace, club [ * vẽźras> vẽzdras w/ "d" like laz-da synonym; Skt " vajra " ]
vezīs driver
vezt to transport (Inf)
vīdas aspect - appearance, way, mode
vidava widow (Click here for photo)
vid-deinis noon, mid-day
vid'jas middle
vīdīkausna witness
vīdikas aspect
vīdīt to see (Inf)    (<* vīdēt )
vidnaktis midnite
vīdra windstorm
vidus seam
vikis vetch
vīksla Vistula
vikras quick
vīkt to bend (Inf)
vilgas moist, damp
vilkas wolf (canis lupus)( Click here for photo)
vilkt to drag (Inf)
vilna wool
vilne a wave
vilnīs woolen (coat)
vilnis burbot (lota lota)
vilpis large wildcat (felis silvestris)
vilpstīne sling
vilt to mislead, lie (Inf)
viltus fraud
vimina elm
vimis knob (wood)
vinan outside, external [ Slavic vьnъ "outside", Skt. vana- " forest " ]
vinas air
vīnas wine
vīnavōgos grapes
vīnis plug, bung
vingriskas cunning (adj)
vingtun (Inf) to wind, turn, meander
vingrus winding, quirky, flexible
vinzalis knot (small)
vinztun (Inf) to knot
vinzus neck
vipīs branch,tree limb
viras measles, sores
vīras man, husband
virdainas lexicon, dictionary
virdas word
virdinis verbal
vīrina woman, lady
virtis whirlpool in water
virpt to whirl (Inf)
virst to become, change, turn into (Inf)
virt to boil, bubble (Inf)
virsus top, apex
virve rope
virzis heather
visadan always, ever (adj)
visadinis continual
visamokas all-knowing
visamazīngas omnipotent
visamazīngai omnipotently
visas all
Visasēdis Tuesday
visata universe, cosmos
visavīdai diverse, all kinds
visavīdiskas diverse, all kinds
visene marsh rosemary
viskvei everywhere
visnaitos cherries
vispirmas at first
vist to multiply, grow (Inf)
vista hen
vīstīt to whirl (Inf)
vīt to chase, also "to twist, wind" (Inf)
vītaran divergent
vītine riverboat, cargo barge,
w/ square sail ( Click Here for picture )
vītingis nobleman, warrior
vītingiskas noble
vītinīkas river-boat sailor
( Click Here for picture by Grodno Belarus )
vītis twig
vītvaga moorhen (gallinula chloropus)
vītvan marsh brush
vīza shoe (of bast)
vobale apple
vobalne apple tree
vobzdus badger (meles meles)
vobilis clover
vōga berry [ Tocharian B " oko " ]
vōgainas berry patch
vōgaut to pick berries   (<* ōgaut )
vognas lambkin
vogonas bowl, with lid
vogt to steal (Inf)
vojus weak
vōka- very-, top most-, (prefix)  
(initial "v" weak ) [cognate w/ Tokharian "ok-", Gothic "ōkan", Old Saxon "ōkian" ]
vōkadebīkaisis very biggest
vōkaisarviskai most genuinely
vōkalabaisis very best
vōkalengvingiskai in the simplest way
vōkamazaisis fewest, least
vōkamīla most dear (fem.) [ vōkamīla sventa panīka ]
vōkanaunaisis newest
vōkapirmas Creator
vōkasventaisis most holy
vōkatūlaisis the most
vokas eyelid
vōkavoraisis very oldest
vōksas hollow
voltas elbow, forearm
vōl'tis ell, (32 in.), cubit
voni happly
vopas dye for fabric
vorai long ago
vorais older
voraisis oldest
voras old, "bent with age" [ Saami "vuoras"  ]
voratis antiquity
vorenis old man
vorīt to grow old (Inf)
vorskaitas elder "seer" / priest ( of old Native Religion )
bent, crooked
vōsis ash tree
vōst to smell (Inf)   ( also "taste" )
votis wound, abscess
vovei openly seen
vovītis a vision in a dream-state
voze goat, she-goat
vozigrabīs spindle-tree
vozina goatskin
vozinis S.E. wind
vozist'an goat, kid-goat
voztun to cover with something hollow (Inf)
vozukas goat, billygoat
vūda fishing line
vūdra otter (lutra lutra)
vūgis growth, stature
vūgras larger
vuizīs guard dog
vumbaras bucket, pail
vumpnode bakehouse
vumpnis bake-oven ( Old Swedish"omn" )
vundas water [ same declension as "mēnas"; Jasz " dan " ]
vundines water spirits (fem.)
vungnis blacksmith's fire
vūkas mist
vulks wolf  [ Yatvings dialect version of  "vilkas" ]
vunzei up, on, above
vunzeigubot to ascend (Inf)
vunzus in vain, to no purpose
vūpas mood
vupjan cloud
vūras pond  [ Old Norse " ūr " ]
vurvas burrow
vushai / vushas six [ Hittite " waks-ur " ]
vushorei / vushoris half dozen ( used with Plural Noun )
vushdesimt sixty
vushtas sixth
vusnis kindling brush
vutis louse
vutre blacksmith
vutrīs blacksmith
zabas cane
zaida play
zaide flower
zaist to play (Inf)
zala damage, harm
zalgan stalk, pole
zalijan green
zaltīs green snake (tropodonotus natrix)
zambas tooth, tusk, peg
zambras bison, wisent (bison bonasus) [ * dialect variant "zumbras" ]

zambt to tear, cut, destroy (Inf)
zanda beam
zandas jaw
zangis ant
zanse goose (anser anser)
zansinas gander (anser anser)
zardis rack for drying sheafs, fence for haystack
zare glow of ember, early dawn
zarija hot ember
zarīt to glow (Inf)
zarne intestine, gut
zarote carp (carassius gibelio)
zavīt to conjure (Inf)
zēbre vimba (vimba vimba)
zegnosna blessing-gesture
zeidīt to build (Inf)
zeidas wall
Zeima Winter
Zeimai North
zeimaut to winter out (Inf)
zeimenis northwind
zeimīs wintergrain
zeisa slime
zelas brownish red, chestnut dun
zelme green wheat
zelmoj offshoot, offspring
zeltmena eurasian golden oriole (oriolus oriolus)
zeltainan yellowish hue
zelvīs turtle
zelvan greenish brown
zemai down, under
zemaitis (a) Samogitian
zemaitiskai Samogitian
zemas low (adj)
zembīt to sprout (Inf)
zeme earth,land
Zemīnele Motherearth
zemint to humiliate (Inf)
zemvōga strawberry
zengt to walk, step (Inf)
zenīt to espouse (Inf)
zentlas signal
zentas son-inlaw
zervint to flow swiftly (Inf)
zhaune gills
zibīt to burn, shine (Inf)
zīgis stroll
zigzda sand
zigzdra gravel
zigzdre yellowhammer bunting (emberiza citrinella)
zilas grayhaired
zīme mark, sign
zingiberis ginger-spice
zingurīs goldfinch (carduelis carduelis)
zinksla dough
zinot to cognize (Inf)
zirdis log, pole
stallion, steed
zirgis dragon-fly
zirgīsna speed
zirne grainseed
zīst to suckle (Inf)
zīzikis siskin (carduelis spinus)
zmone person (common gender)
zmoneniskas human (adj)
zmonentas man, human, person
zmonentinas man, honorable man
zmonint to praise, glorify (Inf)
znībt to pinch (Inf)
zodas utterance
zodis syllable
zole herb, grass
zōlis pole, rod 
zuit sufficient
zukas fish
zukaut to fish (Inf.)
zukautojas fisherman
zumbras ( N.E. dialect variant ) bison, wisent (bison bonasus)
zupone lover, wife, woman
zurgautīsna anxiety
zurgaut to be anxious (Inf)
zurge anxious (w/ Acc.)
zūt to perish (Inf)
zuveitis cod (gadus morhua)
zvaigzda radiance
zvakas bright
zvake candle
zvēris wild animal, beast
zvērune Sirius (in constellation Canis Major)
zvile chaffinch (fringilla coelebs)
zvikstis cup (ceramic) next from Contents


Virdainas - U.S.A. Copyright 1994 - All Rights Reserved
A Restored Lexicon of our Sūdovian & Yatving Indigenous Language
For Use By Sūdovians & Yatvings, and their descendants.

Senasis Takas
                   " Musmire"

* With the now irreversible Climate Change accelerating
and the inevitable extinction of all Humanity before 2100,
please try to keep the occasional typo in perspective.

Remember that another language is going extinct
every week or so somewhere on our planet Earth.

"All we are is dust in the wind".