Electrolysis Rust Removal
of an old Viking Axe


Old Rusty Viking Axe before Electrolysis Process - click on photo for enlargement.

Viking Axe before Electrolysis Rust Removal.

Old Rusty Viking Axe before Electrolysis Process - click on photo for enlargement.



The Electrolysis "Bath"

Electrolysis Rust Removal setup with 12 volt battery charger & jumper cables. Click on pic to enlarge.
Positive charge to rebar "anodes" * - Negative charge to rusty object.
1/4 cup of baking soda per 5 gal.s water. 12 Volt battery charger.
* tip - occasionally clean rebar anodes of rust for best results


Voilà !

Skeggja - Viking Axe after all day Electrolysis Process - click on photo for enlargement.

Viking Axe after Electrolysis Rust Removal.

Skeggja - Viking Axe after Electrolysis Process - click on photo for enlargement.



| Namon |



𐍅𐌿𐌻𐌸𐌿𐍃 𐍉𐌹𐌿𐌼